for those of you who, for whatever reason, find my daily life amusing...and for those of you who are bored at work/trying to procrastinate/have no TV and need something to keep you awake

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

All Dressed Up & Nowhere To Go

Yes, I know it has been quite some time since I have communicated my enlightening ideas via blog, but I have been consumed with Dutch studies. OK, that's a lie. I don't study. But when I still pass my finals without studying, I have to ask myself the question, "Why bother starting?" Sure, I would learn more, but...

Anyhow, the reasons I have decided to re-birth my blog are diverse to say the least. First off, my nails are splitting from the cold, dry weather over here. What does that have to do with my blog, you ask? Well, those of you who know me know that I love having nails on the longer side, but that I don't like to type unless I do it with the pads of my fingers. (That's why I used to cut my nails short before writing ever long paper in college.) Because of the splitting, I have been forced to cut my nails to nice little stubs, making my fingers ready to hit the keyboard.
Secondly, I got dressed and ready today, all prepared for productivity, when I realized that it is far colder outside than it was yesterday. Why is that a problem? Well, I am wearing a loose-fitting shrug that does not allow for a jacket. Clearly that's a pickle. So I stayed in. But in staying home, I faced the ever-growing debate of how to spend my newly-freed time. I put laundry in the machine, which took approximately ten seconds, and then moved on to unpacking from Russia. But in the process of unpacking, I came across See's candies from my birthday--an irresistible distraction. From there, I moved onto the cookie dough in the fridge, only breaking for an All-Bran cereal bar (my guilt absorber). As I grabbed my second sinful chunk of cookie dough out of the fridge, I knew I needed a distraction, and fast.

Thirdly, I am bored. But I can't admit to Marc that I am bored, because then he might start wondering why I don't get off my ass and DO something for once (ex: dishes, vacuuming, cleaning up the disaster that follows wherever I tread...). So I need to appear productive in order to avoid those horrendous tasks. I have plenty to do, but for some reason, I always prefer doing things that don't need to be done over doing things that do need to be done. A curse? I think so. I am sure someone somewhere has written a book on how to overcome this type of syndrome, but let's be honest--somebody like me would never actually
read a book like that? It would be counterproductive to the very core of my being. I once bought a book to help with my procrastination, but HELLO! I am a procrastinator! I have never read it and have no idea where it is. I mean, if you had enough motivation to read a book and solve a solution-needing problem, then you wouldn't actually need to read the book in the first place, would you? Stupid authors.

Finally, I feel as though I can no longer speak English. Since increasing my Dutch skills, my native tongue seems to be faltering more and more frequently. I misspell words using half Dutch and half English (for example: koffie+coffee=coffie, year+jaar=jear), which is clearly an embarrassment. And worst of all, I adopt the Dutch people's way of speaking. Instead of saying "This girl at work," I say "My colleague." I work at The Body Shop, in case you missed the memo. It's not what one would call the most professional environment. Definitely not deserving of such formality. And instead of "I hope not," it's now "I don't hope so." What? I don't get it. I wish I could give better examples, but the saddest part is that I don't even realize I am doing it most of the time. Why is this happening to me? I think I should start reading more.

So that's the story. That's why I am back. I can't lie though--I feel like nobody actually reads this thing anyway. So I am basically talking to myself about myself, which in many circles would be considered quite sad. I guess if I weren't doing this though, I would be talking to my dog. And since I am no Dr. Doolittle, I guess that's also equivalent to talking to myself. Either way, I am pathetic. Oh, well.

Now that I've explained why I am writing, I am tired of typing. I need more cookie dough.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice blog .. i like the way how you think about things ... make evrything more easy and simple ... i dont know but i think you must add a foto galery on your blog .. fotos can bring the life lights into this blog

3:34 AM


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